Thursday, July 10, 2014

Just own the night like the 4th of July!

I sadly didn't see many fireworks this 4th but the ones I did see were fantastic, like always! They were big, bright and colorful. I saw many from a disance but these are just the few that I captured. :) I hope you enjoy them and had a great 4th yourself this year!

Behind the Makeline at Everything Bagels!

In an earlier post, I showed off some photographs of some very yummy bagel sandwitches from where I work; Everything Bagels. All the photographs in this post are part of behind the makeline! The photos show the cream
cheese, other toppings and food that we put on your bagels! If this makes you hungry, then stop in at Everything Bagels in Eastgate sometime for a yummy homemade bagel and cream cheese. All the cream cheese is made at the bagel shop just like the bagels! Enjoy!

Buffalo Cream Cheese
All kinds of toppings!

Scallion Cream Cheese
Cinnamon Cream Cheese
Lowfat/Lite Cream Cheese
Plain Cream Cheese
Jalapeno Cream Cheese
Veggie Cream Cheese
More makeline toppings!
Cream Cheese not pictured: Chocolate Chip, Hazelnut, Tomato Basil, Berry, and Lox.